ITB employs 50 people at its headquarters in Cologne, 53 people in the Netherlands, and a further 120 in India. The company is best known for producing iMediOne, an internet-based hospital information system. A letter of intent concerning the agreement was published on November 15 last year.

TietoEnator believes the acquisition will help strengthen the market position of both companies’ products in Europe. TietoEnator also hopes that the deal with ITB’s 120 software developers in India will reinforce its approach to global sourcing.

TietoEnator’s aim is to support healthcare by digitising healthcare services and promoting seamless treatment chains, said Juhani Kaisanlahti, senior vice president of TietoEnator Healthcare and Welfare. iMedOne will be the strategic product in Germany, Benelux and other selected markets. Our overall goal is to increase synergies in our solution offering and we will invest significantly into product development capacity in India.