Claiming over 50% of revenue from its V-Class server is new business – as opposed to 25% for Unix servers overall – Hewlett- Packard Co trotted out its IA-64 story before technology securities analysts last week. Apparently HP thought the briefing went even better than expected as Sun boss Scott McNealy was tied up on The Hill with Bill that day and his lieutenant – according to the securities people – danced his way through a marketing pitch dismissing any impact from Microsoft and Intel at any time in the future. They figure the pitch doesn’t seem as effective when somebody other than Scott delivers it. They are said to admire Sun because they think McNealy is the Harry Houdini of the information age and they expect that he has one final trick up his sleeve. Meantime, rumor has it that the Solaris on IA-64 Sun Microsystems Inc presented in its meeting was a revamped version of Solaris on Intel not Solaris on Sparc done on IA-64.