Superfast broadband is currently available in three of four UK homes, according to Ofcom findings.

The regulator’s latest infrastructure report says the number of superfast broadband users has more than doubled to 4.8m since last year.

It also notes that as of June this year, 73% of British properties have the ability to access superfast broadband, up from 65% last year.

During that month alone, about 650m GB of data were transmitted or received by UK internet users over fixed lines, up 26% from the corresponding period in 2012.

Ofcom chief executive Ed Richards said superfast broadband is rolling out fast across the country, and 4G mobile will reach at least 98% of the population.

"This is really good news but there remain considerable challenges, not least in hard-to-reach areas for mobile and home internet services," Richards said.

"We know consumers increasingly expect superfast speeds, but it’s also important to make sure people can connect over a very wide area.

"That is why we are doing everything we can to support moves to improve coverage in difficult areas such as roads and train lines."

In addition, the report revealed that the number of public Wi-Fi hotspots have doubled over the year to 34,000, due to demand.

Ofcom’s report also explored the mobile voice (2G) and voice-plus-data (3G) services coverage on UK roads and noted that about 35% of the UK’s A and B roads offer four 3G networks, while 9% of them have no 3G coverage at all.