The agreement calls for Thomson Prometric to provide comprehensive test design and delivery services for the exams delivered annually throughout North America and other parts of the world.

By working with Thomson Prometric, the IRS said it intends to make the test taking process more accessible to test takers. Currently the exam consists of four separate tests administered over a two-day period in a paper and pencil format.

In contrast Thomson Prometric will use job analysis techniques to develop psychometrically sound assessments in order to convert the test to a computer-based format. Test takers can now spread the test taking experience over a longer period of time improving access.

The Special Enrollment Exam is the only professional credential in taxation issued at the federal level. As such, it is a critically important test, the taking of which can be highly stressful to candidates, said Michael Brannick, president, Thomson Prometric.

We applaud the IRS’s goal of easing the burden on candidates by making the test-taking process more flexible and accessible to takers. We are also honored that the Service chose us to help ensure the security and integrity of this vital exam.