There is less shame in business failure in America than in any other country – the corporate ethos is that if your company goes bust, you take Dorothy Fields’ advice and pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again – and so it is that Leading Edge Products Inc founder and onlie begetter Michael Shane is back in business with the Model American Computer Corp in Newton, Massachusetts, vowing that this will be his last start-up because he’ll really get it right this time: the key difference, reports the Wall Street Journal, is that the company is assembling the Model American personal computer itself – the machine is a 25MHz 80386 box that sells for $2,500 with big hard disk but no screen, and is said to be so sought after that some of the dealers left owed money by Leading Edge when it went into bankruptcy protection – it was acquired and is being rebuilt by Daewoo Telecom Corp – have agreed to carry the new machine despite getting their fingers burned.