It’s time again to halt our printing presses

And take a week away from daily stresses

To ease away with copious Xmas wine

The pressures of our daily deadline

But ‘ere we fill with too much Christmas cheer

We’ll take a quick look back through one more year

In ’97, we certainly got a treat

With an upgrade of that Windows Office Suite

And copy, why dear readers we had plenty

To write about the pros and cons of NT

Hewlett-Packard could sure have done much worse

Than to buy up Verifone for web commerce

For semiconductors, IBM pulled out the stopper

Aluminum’s out, but it gets replaced with copper

Push technology, we’re told is all the rage

Will we finally see the death of the printed page?

The end is surely nigh for the Transputer

With NCs, the network is the computer

The year went at a pace, it was NonStop

For Compaq, when it went out to shop

Roel and Eckhart cooked a deal, you’ve got to hand’em

The day that Compaq went and bought itself a Tandem

But a deal is not a deal ’till ink is dry

As BT alas discovered with MCI

On the ‘Gram we must take each and every rumor

With a pinch of salt and quite a dose of humor

We dedicated several lines of text

Wondering who would Apple buy Next?

But we had to ask the Oracle who might

This year of the Apple take a bite

Little did we guess its Redmond rival

Would suddenly invest in its survival

There must have been a fair few gasps and sobs

The day the Mac mob welcomed back their own Steve Jobs

We certainly went rushing to the phones

When Apple waved goodbye to all its clones

We’ll mention here, Carlo de Benedetti

Especially since he rhymes with Olivetti

Whose troubled year ended with a bang

As it sold its Olsy business off to Wang

Back to Microsoft and its box of tricks

Project Hydra came and worried poor Citrix

Since the web is now the only place to be

Bill went shopping and came home with WebTV

To add another thoroughbred to his stable

He bought Comcast as his passport into cable

Now, lawsuits could consume most of our time

So buddy, can you spare a Novadigm?

But one at least was settled out of court

When DEC’s Alpha chip by Intel, was bought

Though Sun caused a bit of a palaver

When it sued the boys from Redmond over Java

One case overshadows all the rest

As US Justice puts Microsoft to the test

In enabling us the internet to Explore

Bill’s company may have stepped outside the law

For browsers come not just in Windows shape

As evidenced by the boys down at Netscape

All in all though, there’s been untold innovation

And much that surely merits celebration

Alas though, Computergram still counts the cost

Of Tim Palmer, who this year to us was lost

So to him, we dedicate this year’s last issue

And dear readers, you must know that we will miss you

We’d like to drink your health and bid you wait

Please hold back all your news ’till ’98!

Joanne Wallen