The Universal Imaging Utility (UIU), developed by Big Bang, simplifies systems management by reducing the number of master image files needed by a company’s IT department. IT professionals can now install an Image on disparate hardware platforms in as little as 30 minutes, making it practical to conduct more frequent Imaging. This means application updates and operating system patches, essential to protecting against security incursions, can undergo deployment as often as weekly.

Michael Childs, data center facilities manager, State of Washington Department of Licensing, said: Here at the Department, we started using the UIU back in October of 2005. Prior to the UIU, updating drivers on existing images just wasn’t happening. We had numerous images that were just copies with different drivers to support our current hardware base. The UIU did away with all that. The UIU has enabled the Department to significantly reduce the number of images it needs to maintain, enabling us to better standardize the look and feel of our images for easier on-going support.