What is the pound-dollar conversion rate these days when it comes to personal computers? Frequently the UK price of computer products is substantially higher than the US price, but judging by the new Compaq Computer Deskpros, in the personal computer business, it’s not far from the market rate at around $1.67 to $1.73 to the pound: the 386S models with no hard disk, 20Mb and 40Mb are $3,800, $4,500 and $5,200 over there, UKP2,200, UKP2,700 and UKP3,100 over here; the 25MHz models are even closer to the market rate, being converted for the UK market at around $1.84 to the pound – for the 300Mb and the 110Mb disk models they are $13,300 and $10,300 there, UKP7,300 and UKP5,600 over here.