Meantime the schedule for multiprocessing servers using the Intel Corp P6 are hastily being put back because of problems with the built-in symmetric multiprocessing, Infoworld and Computer Reseller News report. Word is that the earliest four-way multiprocessors will ship is the first quarter next year, and they may be later than that. Intel is expected to start shipping P6s in November clocked at 166MHz and 150MHz, at $1,055 and $950 when you order 10,000 or more, but as has been made clear, they buy you very little over rather cheaper Pentiums unless you are running 32-bit code, even though uniprocessor workstations are expected to cost between $5,000 and $9,000 when they first ship.The company may also abandon the 133MHz version of the part. AST Research Inc, Hewlett-Packard Co and Dell Computer Corp are now all expected to start with 150MHz P6 workstations, and possibly single processor servers at the end of this year, but there are some very unhappy vendors out there, so as a concession, Intel is allowing P6 machines to be shown at Networld this month.