The new highly integrated versions of the 80286 from Advanced Micro Devices Inc are the Am286ZX, and the Am286LX, which adds power management circuitry to cut the power drawn when the processor is idling, for use in laptops: the parts contains an AMD CMOS 80286 microprocessor and all the ancillary chips required to build a basic AT-compatible personal computer, replacing 175 parts in the original IBM AT – DRAM control logic, two DMA controllers, two interrupt controllers, three counter-timers, a real-time clock with CMOS RAM, flexible clock generation logic and enhanced bus controller, plus support for LIM 4.0 EMS memory management; designers need add only a keyboard controller and external memory devices; available in 12MHz and 16MHz versions, the parts sample this quarter with volume in second quarter 1991 and cost between $69 for the Am286ZX-12 to $89 for the Am286LX-16 in 1,000-up quantities.