In a move that is typical of a sector in an identity crisis, CSOs are looking toward developing technologies to turn around their problems. Nelson Communications Worldwide, the world’s leading healthcare marketing and sales service company, launched Nelson eHealth Group in February 2001. The offspring of the main company was developed as an innovative digital marketing and selling company for the healthcare industry. This company has announced that it is forming a partnership with marketing technology and services company Cyber Dialogue.

It appears that if the sector is to prevent itself capitulating, it must steal a march on the pharmaceutical companies and offer them a unique service that they could not easily replicate for themselves. The joint venture between Cyber Dialogue and Nelson eHealth Group represents the manifestation of this theory.

Thaddeus Grimes-Gruczka, vice president of Cyber Dialogue’s Health Practice said of the merger, Partnering with Nelson enables Cyber Dialogue to further build on its reputation as an industry-leading marketing company that excels in the integration of online and offline data, strategic support and industry know-how.

This collaboration my represent the future for CSOs, in that they will evolve to offer niche specialty services for a rapidly splintering sector of the healthcare industry.