Accenture’s annual Technology Vision report for 2015 has identified a shift by companies in what Accenture is dubbing the "We Economy", which they believe is reshaping markets and changing the way we work and live.

The report offers examples of how companies are using digital ecosystems to offer new services, reshape experiences and enter new markets. For example, 35% of the survey’s respondents are already using partner API’s to integrate data and collaborate with business partners, with an additional 38% planning to do so.

Paul Daugherty, chief technology officer, Accenture, said: "In last year’s Technology Vision report we noted how large enterprises were reasserting leadership in their markets by adopting digital to drive their processes more effectively and transform how they go to market, collaborate with partners, engage with customers and manage transactions."

"Now that digital has become part of the fabric of their operating DNA, they are stretching their boundaries to leverage a broader ecosystem of digital businesses as they shape the next generation of their products, services and business models to effect change on a much broader scale."

"Pioneering enterprises are tapping into a broad array of other digital businesses, digital customers and digital devices at the edge of their networks in order to create new digital "ecosystems."

Leading companies are using technology to transform themselves into digital businesses and are now focusing on combining industry expertise with the power of digital to reshape the markets they operate in. Seeing potential to make a difference and a profit, by operating as ecosystems and not just as individual corporate entities – this is driving the emergence of the "We Economy."

The growth of the "We Economy" was highlighted in a related Accenture global survey which found that 4 out of 5 respondents believe that in the future, industry boundaries will blur as platforms reshape industries into interconnected ecosystems. 60% of those surveyed said they plan to engage new partners within their respective industries, while 40% said they plan to leverage digital partners outside their industry and 48% plan to engage digital technology leaders.

Home Depot for example are working with manufacturers to ensure that all of the connected home products it sells are compatible with the Wink connected home system. This has resulted in the creation of its own connect home ecosystem, which leads to the development of potential new services and unique experiences for Wink customers.

Similarly, Philips, by teaming with Salesforce to build a platform to reshape and optimise the way healthcare is delivered, the platform will create an ecosystem of developers that are collaborating between doctors and patients across the entire spectrum of care. This is capable by using electronic medical records as well as diagnostic and treatment information.

The report surveyed executives, entrepreneurs from both public and private sector, academia, venture capitalists and startup companies. In addition, the Technology Vision team conducted nearly 100 interviews with technology luminaries, industry experts and Accenture business leaders.