The drop in the Australia and New Zealand (ANZ) PC monitors market notwithstanding, LED backlight market share registered a strong growth again compared to the previous quarter by accounting for 63% of the overall market.

It also for the first time in history that the New Zealand LED backlight market is now taking up more than half of the overall market, accounting for 63% unit share in Q3, according to IDC’s study Quarterly PC Monitor tracker (Q3 2011).

ANZ PC monitor market experienced a fall of 22% sequentially, with 5,78,000 unit shipments in the third quarter of 2011.

IDC Associate Market Analyst, Ivy Teoh said in line with seasonal trends, Q3 is traditionally the slowest quarter of the year in the consumer segment. "Channel partners are holding back their stock intake given the slowdown in consumer and SMB market."The continuous price competition and tightening of profit margins are pushing vendors to refocus from market share to profitability. That said, this shift of focus is clearly noticeable as vendors have been moving away from shipping 18.5"W size monitors which have had at least a 50% drop compared to the same period last year," said Teoh.

Teoh added, "A strong refresh to LED backlight PC monitors and a supply-side push by vendors will continue to drive the demand in this technology. IDC expects the LED backlight momentum in the ANZ PC monitors market will remain strong while the price remains competitive."