Already a sector leading player in the rest of Europe, Thales wants to take a leading role in the UK as the market for unattended payments takes off following the introduction of Chip and PIN technology. A new team will boost local engineering and business development knowledge to facilitate Thales UK’s attempts to take full advantage of the rising interest in unattended payments.

Unattended payments are card transactions that use unmanned terminals to pay for goods; they include card accepting self service kiosks. Current common examples of the payment sector include pay at the pump on petrol forecourts and road toll payment points.

The new Thales UK unattended transactions team will focus on higher value segments of the market, such as ticketing systems (in which the company already has vast experience), parking, self-service check outs at retailer stores and innovative new kiosks providing high value products such as CDs and books.

Paul Jackson, general manager of Thales UK’s eTransactions business, said, The unattended payment market has been core to the Thales business for almost a decade in several countries across Europe. We have a variety of proven and robust solutions and are now putting a dedicated UK team in place to take advantage of the surge in interest in this new market.