Santa Cruz, California organisation TGV Inc demonstrated its forthcoming TCP/IP stack for Windows at the Networld+InterOp 94 show. According to the company, this will enable Windows users to deploy mission-critical functionality and performance for sharing files in heterogeneous environments. TGV’s stack is the core TCP/IP technology for MultiNet for Windows, a product scheduled for introduction in the third quarter of 1994 that will incorporate all the mission-critical functionality of TVG’s MultiNet product family for Digital Equipment Corp VAX and AXP computers, says the company. The MultiNet for Windows stack is built around the Virtual Device Driver specification, a high-performance 32-bit multiplexing device that manages data exchanges between Windows applications and system services, says TGV. The company claims that it is the only independent provider of TCP/IP to offer mission-critical functionality, performance and technical support.. No dates for the stack were given.