Texas Instruments Software Inc, Plano, Texas is shipping version 1.1 of Arranger, its suite of software component assembly tools. Arranger 1.1 now offers PowerBuilder users access to robust, cross-system enterprise applications. This enhanced version of Arranger also includes support for Windows95. Arranger, a companion product to the Composer enterprise application development tools, connects desktop applications with applications built using Composer. Arranger 1.1 includes a new integration assistant that enables PowerBuilder users to develop multi-system distributed applications. By accessing Composer-generated servers, users can design complex enterprise server applications and integrate them with PowerBuilder clients, the company said. In addition, version 1.1 supports the Object Linking & Embedding capabilities of Visual Basic 4.0 and Excel 7. It costs $500 for a stand-alone, end-user version, and $2,500 for the developer version, which supports multiple versions.