As expected (CI No 2,967), Texas Instruments Inc and Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG (SNI) announced today Thursday they will jointly develop an object framework to promote as an industry standard for components. The global agreement means Texas Instruments will integrate SNI’s ComUnity framework into its technology and SNI will license Texas Instrument’s Composer enterprise development environment for its new server applications. Texas Instruments and SNI will grant each other product licenses for selected market segments and regions to be announced at a later date. The two firms say the heterogenous joint development environment will cover both model-based and rapid prototyping approaches to software development. The ComUnity object framework is designed to enable corporates to run their existing legacy aplications on Windows NT. The technology uses OLE and Visual Basic technology licensed from Microsoft earlier this year. There was no word yesterday on whether Texas Instrument’s Arranger tool

would be part of the licensing deal as was earlier expected.