To capitalize on the success of the symmetric multiprocessing nodes for its RS/6000 SP line of parallel processing systems, IBM Corp is preparing a line of deskside workgroup servers code-named Terlingua, a Spanish word meaning three languages, our sister publication Unigram.X reports. Expected to be announced in around six weeks’ time, and to ship in November, they are tipped to run AIX, Windows NT and, perhaps in special order, Solaris. They will launch as one- or two-way 166MHz PowerPC 604e configurations, with quads to follow. IBM is expected to pitch them squarely at the emerging crop of Intel Corp Standard High Volume Pentium Pro-based machines and target Notes groupware applications. Terlingua is just a working name. They will get a shelf identity nearer the launch date as part of a full-scale re-branding of RS/6000 workstations and servers that has been ordered by the new RS/6000 executive team headed by Marc Bregman. IBM has apparently finally realized that the motley array of letters and numbers assigned to the various Power and PowerPC AIX configurations isn’t very pretty and causes endless confusion. The rebranding is expected in September or October. Terlingua 2 is due in mid-1997, Terlingua 3 late next year, using faster 604es .