TenFour Sweden AB, a secure email software provider, has released TFS Secure Messaging Server, Windows 95 and NT-based software which combines content filtering, virus protection and encryption facilities.

The content filtering enables firms to check what goes out of the organization, with key words to search for potentially confidential information. Encryption offers a choice of two 128-bit encryption types and is priced at $2,950 for 100 users – including the first year’s maintenance – and $11,100 for 1,000 users under similar conditions.

TenFour is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden where it was set up in 1991 by four friends who all worked in email development and specialized initially in building connectivity between corporate email networks and X.400 systems. Now, most of its business comes from the government, finance and legal sectors which require secure email for business.

The firm has offices in Washington DC, the UK, France, and Australia. Its 1998 revenue of $4.5m represents growth of 100%, which the company expects to be repeated this year, according to Erik Safsten, managing director of the UK operations.

TenFour will open two more offices next year; one in central Europe to service the German, French and Italian markets; and one in the Far East to serve demand in Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan, where the company is currently recruiting staff. A target date for going public has not been established, but Safsten says it is a possibility in two or three years.