The Australian telco Telstra Corp has branched out into offering European data communications, as part of a move to take its telecoms services from the Asia-Pacific region into the worldwide market. Telstra started offering UK telecoms services in March 1995 (CI No 2,635) and has now opened a node in London which serves Frame Relay, ATM, VSAT satellite communications and Dial up IP from a Northern Telecom Ltd Passport switch. The datacomms network is being provided by an agreement with UK’s Fibernet Group which has installed its Tanet high-speed network across the UK. Telstra is ambitious about breaking into the deregulating European market, and is looking for partnerships with companies for its data services, which could carry voice in the future. It plans to only offer its services to companies, with its target market as firms with headquarters or regional offices the Asia- Pacific region. Telstra plans to open similar Nodes in Hong Kong, Jakarta, New York, Manila, and India. Telstra had a US $1.2bn revenue in 1996, of which $150m was datacomms business. Telstra is the largest Australian telco, and also has a Hybrid Optic Fiber and Coaxial cable network, which serves 1.5m homes in Australia, and cost an estimated $3.2bn, which has not had the use that was expected. The network is currently being re- structured and rationalized.