Tellabs International Inc, based in Bolingbrook, Illinois is making an acquisition in order to expand its range of speech and data transport and network access systems: the company is to pay around $76m for Steinbrecher Corp, which specializes in wide-band base-station products for digital cellular and wireless data applications. Tellabs says that it wanted Steinbrecher for its MiniCell family of cellular base-station products which are currently under development. The product group will be pitched at applications including indoor wireless and wireless local loop offerings. Steinbrecher has also been active in the Cellular Digital Packet Data arena. Tellabs believes the strengths of the Steinbrecher MiniCell products stem from their ability to be easily adapted to the different frequency bands and modulation formats used in public and private wireless systems. As a result of these capabilities, Tellabs International sees them as forming a natural complement to its flagship Titan and Martis DXX systems. Steinbrecher will be run as the Tellabs Wireless Systems Division, and its 130 employees will remain at Steinbrecher’s existing Burlington, Massachusetts headquarters.