One company that wasn’t there to celebrate the opening of Uniforum was TeleVideo Systems Inc, which is de-emphasising its push into Unix, announced as a major new initiative only a year ago. The company told Computer Systems News that changes in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s X Window System graphical standard had left TeleVideo without a product to show, and until that is ready, TeleVideo won’t be showing anything. The company points out that compared with MS-DOS there is still only a limited number of applications for 80386 machines under Unix. The absence of TeleVideo at Uniform contrasts with the impression it gave last May when it announced the TeleStar line of 80386 Unix workstations, and said that its Unix implementation would be coming from Chuck Hickey’s Microport Systems, which has benefitted from a cash injection from TeleVideo. But problems with software prevented the machine coming out in July as planned, and then the X Window 11 standard was released while TeleVideo had just implemented the 10.4 version.