Small cell mobile technology developer ip.access has signed a global agreement with mobile network operator group Telenor for the supply of ip.access’ end-to-end small cell offerings.

Under the agreement, ip.access will be able to supply its standards-compliant end-to-end 3G small cell offering for residential, business and public use to Telenor operators worldwide.

The agreement covers all the 11 operators in the Telenor Group including its home network in Norway, as well as the other Scandinavian countries plus Telenor’s operations in Eastern Europe, the Indian sub-continent and the Asia Pacific region.

Telenor selected ip.access based on its ability to deliver an end-to-end offering, technical credibility and a competitive long term Total Cost of Ownership, according to ip.access.

In addition, the deal also has provision to potentially extend to 4G in future, added ip.access.

ip.access CEO Simon Brown said major operators are recognising and reacting to the role that small cells can play to boost coverage, capacity and customer service in homes, offices and public spaces.

"What’s more – as we move into an ‘always on’ world, small cells will be a key part of the connectivity solution from crowded office buildings to remote rural locations," said Brown.