Ok, I admit that this blog is going to be considered self-congratulatory, since it is, after all, the last live interview recorded with Telelogic’s enterprise architecture (EA) guru Jan Popkin before Telelogic announced it is being bought by IBM. Not that I knew that would be the case when I asked to interview Jan.


But I flag it up because IBM made no secret of the fact that one of the reasons for its proposed $745m acquisition of Telelogic is in order to get its hands on the EA tools that came to Telelogic via its acquisition of Jan’s firm, Popkin Software, back in April 2005.

Obviously, because the deal had not been announced when this podcast was recorded, Jan doesn’t talk about Telelogic’s acquisition by IBM. But anyone wanting to know a little more about EA in general, Telelogic’s EA tools in particular and also what role EA plays in the move to service oriented architecture (SOA) could do worse than having a listen to the podcast. Besides, you get to hear my dulcet tones, too.

If you listen to the podcast you can also download a couple of free white papers courtesy of Telelogic. The podcast is here.

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