Revenues at the Austrian incumbent were 966.5m Euros ($1.1bn) for the quarter ending March 31, up just 0.4% on the year. EBITDA was up 1.5% to 405.9m Euros ($480m), while EBIT was off 3.9% to 121.9m Euros ($144m). Net income was 43.1m Euros ($50.9m), up 14.9%.

Wireline revenues were down 1.8% to 555.7m Euros ($656.4m) while wireless revenues grew 5% to 474.7m Euros ($560.7m). Operating income at the wireline unit doubled to 10.2m Euros ($12.1m), while at the wireless unit, it slipped 9% to 110.9m Euros ($131m).

Looking ahead, the company expects stable development of revenues in the wireline segment. EBITDA will be lower, although this will be partly offset by cost reductions. Domestic mobile competition means expected further growth in EBITDA and revenue will come from international subsidiaries.

The company as a whole should show stable development in revenues and EBITDA, with growth in wireless offsetting decline in wireline.

Source: Computerwire