German IT services company TDS Informationstechnologie AG has paid an unspecified sum for 100% of Dutch counterpart IMC Holding BV, a company with its headquarters in Rosmalen and a presence in both the Dutch and Belgian markets.

TDS offers SAP-based application server provider services to medium-sized companies, and is currently in expansion mode, developing businesses in Austria, Switzerland and, most recently, the UK (CI No 3,737). The IMC acquisition will extend TDS’ outsourcing and extend its outsourcing model into the Benelux market coupled with IMCÆs existing SAP consultancy and implementation services.

TDS said it expects revenue to increase 42% this year to around DM340m ($184m). Its expected EBIT has been revised upwards from DM15m to DM20m (from $8.14m to $10.8m), representing an increase of around 75% on the figures for the 1998 financial year.