It’s not often that the dogged band of Sparcsystem builders that seek to pick up the crumbs under Sun Microsystems Inc’s table hit pay-dirt, so Milpitas, California-based Tatung Science & Technology Inc and its Albuquerque, New Mexico-based reseller Creative Consultants Inc must be feeling very pleased with themselves, having won an open bid for a multimillion-dollar contract with Los Alamos National Laboratory to supply up to several hundred desktop systems to the National Laboratory over the next year; the contract also specifies that the laboratory a big use of Sun systems already, has standardised on Tatung as the vendor of choice for all Sparc workstation purchases; SunSoft Inc is providing application software, sales and support directly to Los Alamos under the contract, and Creative picked Digital Equipment Corp’s Multi-Vendor Service Division to provide on-site service for Tatung’s workstations.