With reports still circulating that Sun Microsystems Inc will enter the business this year, Tatung Science & Technology Inc looks to be the first Sparc systems builder to go for the X terminal market. It has come up with five colour TXT systems each powered by a 40MHz Texas Instruments Inc TMS340 processor. They range in price from $1,900 to $3,800. Tatung figures they complement its Sparc boxes and can piggyback certain markets. The terminals start with a 14 1024 by 768 screen with 4Mb of memory and include a $2,900 17 1,152 by 900 monitor with 4Mb and a high-end 20 1,280 by 1,024 screen with 4Mb displaying two pages of text side-by-side. The boxes implement X Window System 11.5. Memory expands to 16Mb.