Tandy Corp’s lap-top manufacturer Grid Systems Corp, Fremont, California, is pushing strongly into the desktop market with a variants of one of its new parent’s machines, bringing it out as the Grid-Desk 386isx. Using a 16MHz version of the 80386, Grid Desk is latest addition to a line of desktop workstations that includes the 12MHz 286is and 20MHz 386mc. The 386isx comes in three models. Model 1 has a 1.4Mb floppy drive, Models 40 and 80 come with a 40Mb and 80Mb SCSI hard drives respectively. Each has 1Mb RAM expandable to 16Mb, five AT-compatible expansion slots and supports SmartDrive storage devices. Running Xenix, OS/2 and MS-DOS, the stations ship in June. Model 1 is $2,800, Model 40 is $4,000, Model 80 comes in at $4,500.