Tandem Computers Inc was set to release its first clustered NT systems as we went to press, using Microsoft Corp’s Microsoft Cluster Sever, previously known as Wolfpack, along with its own ServerNet technology for the cluster communications. The Tandem CS150 is a single box, high performance, fault resilient system containing two servers running on two Intel Corp Pentium Pro- based microprocessors. Developed by Tandem, the CS150 has been licensed by a number of third party vendors including Compaq Computer Corp, NEC Corp and Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG. It includes a built-in RAID storage subsystem. Targeted at distributed processing applications including retail in-store processing, bank branch links, data marts and call centers, the product will be priced at around $15,000 according to InformationWeek, undercutting its competitors by up to $5,000. The product announcement marks a shift in Tandem’s emphasis away from its traditional proprietary focus towards off the shelf systems. Coinciding with the news from Tandem, the company has said Gail Hamilton, former general manager of Hewlett-Packard Co’s Telecom Platform division, has been appointed vice president and general manager of Tandem’s Unix system product group. The appointment is said to herald a major clustered Unix system offensive in the telecommunications market, said the company.