Tandem Computers Inc has now come out with some basic system software for its parallel Himalaya machines, which scale to as many as 4,000 MIPS Technologies Inc R-series processors: NonStop SQL/MP, NonStop Transaction Services/MP, NonStop Transaction Manager/MP and NonStop ODBC Server. NonStop SQL/MP is an SQL-compliant database engine designed to support massive databases and high volumes of complex queries against them. Transaction Services/MP and Transaction Manager/MP, set for the fourth quarter, are designed to form a parallel processing transaction engine that will ensure that workloads are balanced between hundreds of proces sors. ODBC Server, available now, is designed to provide support for off-the-shelf client-server appli cation development tools, but was not priced. Tandem also has a ag reement with Micro Focus Plc under which it will deliver an IBM Corp CICS-compatible personality for its NonStop TS/MP transaction engine.