Tandem Computers Inc has bolstered its mid-range NonStop CLX family with seven new disk and communication products, making the machines appropriate for database applications. The new products ship this quarter and comprise the 648Mb 4230 CLX internal disk drive with 18mS acces and 1.875Mbyte-per-second transfer rate at $16,500; the eight-spindle, 900Mb XL80 disk subsystem at from $115,000, which enables up to 200Gb to be supported; the 5170 180Mb tape streamer at $23,000; the 3604 Bit Synchronous Interface provides four lines at up to 56Kbps, three lines at 64Kbps, or one line at up to 256Kbps and costs $6,059; the 3650 Communication Subsystem is enhanced to provide 372 lines per processor pair, up from 204, supports fibre optic links so it can be up to 1,500 feet from the CPU and is from $11,400 – and SnaxLink provides channel interfacing to an IBM 370 architecture mainframe system at speeds of up to 1Mbps and costs $49,550.