Tamilnad Mercantile Bank (TMB) has regional offices and 173 branches across India. During peak business hours, TMB says that it generates a 100MB log file every five minutes. To protect this banking transaction data, TMB replicates the files from its Chennai data center to its Bangalore disaster recovery center.

Prior to installing Riverbed’s Steelhead appliances, replication of this file using Oracle’s Data Guard application took more than 10 minutes. TMB says that, if a disaster were to hit during peak business hours, it risked losing over 200MB of data.

Following installation of the Steelhead appliances, time to replicate TMB’s banking transaction data dropped from over 10 minutes to two minutes. Data traversing the wide area network (WAN) has been reduced by over 65% and WAN utilization is down to less than 50%. Prior to installation of the Steelhead appliances, TMB says utilization was more than 90%.

It is critical that we protect our banking transaction data, said PR Varatharajan, general manager of Tamilnad Mercantile Bank. We have designed our disaster recovery (DR) systems to ensure that we do not lose any data should disaster strike. Riverbed’s Steelhead appliances have become a critical component of our DR architecture.