Taiwanese DRAM manufacturers, who were last week slapped with punitive tariffs by the US Government after charges of dumping were upheld, are planning to appeal to the US International Trade Commission according to Chen Ruey-long, director-general of Taiwan’s Board of Foreign Trade.

The US Department of Commerce raised punitive tariffs on all but one of the 13 manufacturers cited by around 5% from the levels initially suggested in May, with only Vanguard International Semiconductor’s duty being reduced from 10.36% to 8.21%.

Under US anti-dumping legislation, after the DOC makes its determination on a case submitted by the ITC, the case goes back to the ITC for a final ruling. The ITC has scheduled the ultimate hearing for October 19 and will make its final injury determination no later than November 26.

The dumping charge against Taiwan chipmakers was filed last October by Micron Technology Inc, the largest US computer chip maker, with an output that accounts for some 50% of total annual US DRAM production.