Tadpole Technology Plc, which is struggling to get out of the red following its $6m acquisition last year of arch rival in the market for portable Unix machines, RDI Computer Corp, has reported that for the six months to March 31, it showed a loss of 1.8m pounds ($2.8m), up from a loss of 994,000 pound ($1.6m) on revenue that increased 82.5% to 6.5m pounds ($10.4m).

The company blames 400,000 pounds ($644,000) of the loss on the costs of running the separate operations of Tadpole and RDI prior to integration. The remaining 1.5m pounds ($2.4m) is blamed on delayed sales momentum within the US Federal market and increased investment on developing products for the Tadpole-Cartesia division.

Now it has completed the integration of RDI, Tadpole is pitching for sizeable military contracts and the small size of its equipment makes it ideal to run software in vehicles and aircraft, where space and weight considerations are important. It says that first orders for Tadpole-Cartesia, which supplies mobile machines for field workers with utility companies, are expected in the second half.