Shares in Cambridge, UK-based Tadpole Technology Plc jumped 20 pence to 423 pence against the trend of the market yesterday as the company announced what it claims is the world’s most powerful laptop personal computer. The Tadpole P1000 uses a 100MHz Pentium processor and, claims Tadpole, offers the largest system memory of any portable computer. It takes 8Mb to 128Mb and a maximum 810Mb removable hard disk drive. Tadpole say the P1000 is aimed at portable users needing to run applications such as three-dimensional modelling, mutimedia applications and video conferencing. Tadpole managing director and founder George Grey is confident that Tadpole will win customers by providing the most powerful notebook available and by providing for upgrades to be made as faster processors become available. The P1000 will start shipping in January and prices start at UKP5,500. The company does 4,500 Sparc laptops a year now and hopes to do 25,000 of the P1000 a year.