The agreement grants Taconic a worldwide, non-exclusive license to use various patented AvGFP variants in the generation and commercialisation of genetically modified rodent models.

AvGFP technology also can help to assess and monitor the fate of certain cell types using imaging technology.

Isolated from jellyfish, Aequorea Victoria green fluorescent protein (AvGFP) is intrinsically fluorescent enabling assays to be conducted without the need for exogenous substrates.

As per the agreement Taconic is granted the right to generate genetically modified rodent models using AvGFP technology and to distribute those models to investigators in pharmaceutical companies, academic institutions and other research facilities.

Taconic may also distribute AvGFP mouse and rat lines generated by academic institutions on a worldwide basis.

Paul Rounding, managing director of Taconic, said: Genetically modified rodent models play an increasingly vital role in the biomedical research that is critical to developing treatments for human disease.

“Through the addition of innovative AvGFP technology, Taconic’s genetically modified models will become even more powerful tools to help investigators better understand disease mechanisms and develop the most effective drug therapies.