According to Dell’s 2014 International Tablet survey of IT Decision Makers (ITDMs) tablets are good for business as it helps increase productivity and liked by employees.

The survey was conducted across 10 countries including UK, US, China and India to gather feedback and insights of ITDMs regarding the usage of tablets in the workplace.

The survey results showed that corporate in most of the countries allowed employees to use their own tablet in the workplace.

With 82% in China said that it was a part of their IT device offering, followed by UAE at 74% and UK at 68%.

Android emerged as the most used platform with India topping the adoption rate with 91% followed by Brazil at 87% and UK at 69%.

ITDMs in India and Brazil believe tablets help increase productivity by 25%, while in the US and UK ITDMs believe that it has helped improve the production by 20% followed by China with 15% increase in productivity.

Respondents in countries including US, UK and India believe that tablets have met the expectations that were set by the ITDMs, 46% of ITDMs UAE/Saudi Arabia believes that tablets have fallen short of their expectations.

About 65% in the US , 49% in the UK ,and 69% Indian ITDMs plan to offer more tablets to their employees, and 58% of ITDMs in UAE plans continue with the offering.

Around 54% of the ITDMs in the US, 67% in India and 51% in Japan claimed data and other security concerns were the reason for non deploying tablets, ITDMs in Brazil and UAE cited lack of storage space as a reason for non deploying.

Dell Tablet Group vice president Neil Hand said: "How people work is changing – the days of going to a specific place to conduct business are fewer while more employees are on the move and require access to company information outside of the workplace.

"The Dell 2014 International Tablet survey underscores the way in which tablets are addressing those needs for today’s worker, resulting in a desire by IT Decision Makers to deploy more tablets in the future."