The number of users of mobile adult video content on tablets will triple by 2015 due to the growth in the tablet user base, according to a new report by Juniper Research.

The Juniper report said this trend is repeated across all forms of mobile adult content on tablets with the number of mobile adult subscribers and mobile adult videochat users also tripling by 2015.

The report also lists the bottlenecks to this growth trend.

According to it, a significant proportion of tablets are shared devices which will restrict growth, though the numbers of users accessing mobile adult content on tablets will grow rapidly.

The move towards ‘multiscreen’ experiences also means that consumers may be reluctant to purchase content solely for the tablet, it added.

Legislation and social attitudes towards adult content in some regions will also restrain the growth of the mobile adult industry.

According to Juniper, revenues generated on tablets will increase by more than five times by 2017, while average annual spend on mobile adult subscriptions for handsets will increase by 11% by 2015.

Report author Charlotte Miller said tablets combine the privacy of a smartphone with a large screen, particularly suited for content consumption.

"It is clear that, as with many other types of content, users of mobile adult content will want to access content on their tablets as well as on smartphones and PCs," Miller added.