With first half profits of UKP3.0m compared with just UKP267,000 this time last year, plus several major acquisitions under its belt, Systems Reliability Plc, with sales of UKP44.6m against just UKP9m last time, is almost unrecognisable from the company that reported in June 1988. The company is now split into three major operating groups. Communications, the original telephone call logging and phone systems and services business, saw turnover rise 48% at UKP11.2m, but operating profits were only UKP850,000, but that reflects further reorganisation and restructuring which the company looks to feed through to the bottom line in the second half. The Personal Computers business, structured around Fletcher Dennys Systems and Essex & City Computers with the Corporate Computers, South East Computers, GST Computer Systems and Osiris acquisitions, did operating profit of UKP1.5m on sales on UKP22.1m, and is running at annualised turnover of UKP55m, making it more capable of offering comprehensive service. The third arm is the Mainframe Services division, structured around the Enterprise Computer Services and Chase International Computer Services acquisitions, with operating profits of UKP1.1m on turnover of UKP11.4m. The unit does 80% of its business outside the UK, and has opened up in Sydney to move in on the Far Eastern as well as the Australian markets. Systems REliability now looks to expand its maintenance business, already doing over UKP9m a year.