Microsoft Corp is launching a version of its Systems Management Server that supports Windows95 and Windows NT 3.51, the US edition of PC Week hears. SMS 1.1 features an improved auditing database with details of more than 2,700 applications and a new version of Crystal Reports, the data access and reporting application. In addition to its own operating systems, Microsoft will offer support for IBM Corp’s OS/2 Warp, LAN Server 4.0, Compaq Computer Corp’s Asset Control and Insight Manager, and Hewlett-Packard Co’s OpenView for Windows clients. SMS 1.1 also features bandwidth control and improved remote control, but it will not support remote control of NT workstations, it says. Available from this month, SMS 1.1 costs $650 for a server licence and $55 for each client licence. Registered SMS 1.0 users can upgrade their client licences for free.