The Open Software Foundation, Cambridge, Massachusetts has chosen Reston, Virginia-based Systems Center Inc to provide the Palladium print services for its Distributed Management Environment. Palladium, which got the nod back in September 1991 when the Foundation announced the winning Distributed Management technologies, hails from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Athena project, with support from Digital Equipment Corp, Hewlett-Packard Co and IBM Corp. Systems Center will upgrade Palladium source code to a commercial standard. Using the Foundation’s Distributed Computing Environment alongside Palladium, Systems Center is putting together a bundle of ISO DPA 10175 and Posix 1003.7.1-compatible distributed print services which it will supply to the Foundation in 1993. It’ll include a user interface, print supervisor, print spooler, base code, documentation and an application user interface. The Foundation will introduce them as part of its release of DME phase 2. Systems Center will hold a conference for printer manufacturers this November to discuss that industry’s requirements.