Under the terms of the five-year agreement, Actel will bundle Synplicity’s Synplify(r) FPGA synthesis software into its development systems. As a result, designers using Actel devices will continue to have access to the performance and quality of results offered by Synplicity’s FPGA synthesis software.

Actel’s customers represent a broad spectrum of PLD designers – from high density and performance to mainstream designers using smaller PLDs for logic implementation, said Bernie Aronson, president and CEO of Synplicity. By renewing our OEM agreement with Actel, we intend to continue serving these designers with synthesis products that we believe are fast and easy to use and provide the quality of results required by today’s electronics engineer.

Our customers continue to provide us with positive feedback about the results they achieve using Synplicity’s Synplify products, said John East, president and CEO, Actel. For designers, ease of use is an important consideration when choosing an FPGA synthesis product. Synplicity provides a robust solution that is fast and easy to use, and we are pleased to extend our relationship with Synplicity to provide this leading-edge synthesis technology to our customers.

With today’s announcement, Actel will continue to bundle Synplicity’s Synplify and Synplify Lite(tm) synthesis software into various versions of Actel’s development systems. According to East, Actel expects that customers using the Synplify software within Actel’s development systems will continue to receive significant design performance and productivity benefits.