Synopsys has enhanced its Galaxy Implementation Platform which reportedly delivers 2x faster design implementation and signoff throughput with new multicore performance and multi-corner/multi-mode (MCMM) technologies. Built-in support for multicore processing across the Galaxy Platform is expected to enable engineering teams to increase runtime performance using their existing compute servers.

The company claimed that the Galaxy Platform includes new MCMM technology providing improved quality of results and design closure when using a combined Design Compiler Graphical and IC Compiler flow. New MCMM synthesis technology in Design Compiler Graphical, a component of the company’s Eclypse Low Power Solution, supports concurrent optimisation for worst-case leakage and timing corners.

Bijan Kiani, vice president of product marketing, design and manufacturing products, at Synopsys, said: With the increasing complexity and diversity of system-on-chip designs, faster, unified implementation solutions are essential. Galaxy 2009 delivers faster runtime performance with comprehensive multicore and MCMM support for better quality of results and faster design closure. As a result, engineers are able to achieve higher productivity on their most challenging designs.

The company has recently rolled out Galaxy Constraint Analyser, a new tool which reportedly enhances designer productivity through constraint analysis technology developed for the company’s Galaxy Implementation Platform. Synopsys said that the new tool enables designers to assess correctness and consistency of timing constraints.

The Galaxy Implementation Platform is a comprehensive product for cell-based and custom IC implementation. Galaxy is said to accept design intent in industry standard formats and generate a production-ready IC design in GDSII format. Galaxy RTL and physical implementation concurrently balance design constraints by performing tradeoffs between speed, area, power, test and manufacturability.