Symix Systems Inc, an enterprise resource planning vendor for the discrete manufacturing industry, has launched a new version of its Business Intelligence Web which gives manufacturers a portal to connect with customers and suppliers.

Symix is aimed at the mid-market sector, specializing in the fabricating metal and packaging containers industries and industrial electronics and engineering. Customers include Dowty Aerospace and electronics firm Filtronics Comtek.

The company has been working on extranet applications for two years now, says Steve Vaughn, marketing coordinator in Symix’s UK office. This would put Symix at the forefront of ERP vendors moving towards an e-commerce front-end. Baan and SAP have both recently placed their enterprise application systems onto a web footing.

Symix is moving towards orienting its systems around customers’ demand rather than the traditional ‘push’ strategy usually associated with manufacturing ERP. It has recently added to its verticals with a consumer goods template, SyteCenter.