Like us (CI No 3,231), Symantec Corp finds it odd that McAfee Associates admits its VirusScan program contains Symantec code, but claims it is non-functional. Symantec says the fact is that McAfee slipped Symantec’s CrashGuard code into their PC Medic products, and when Symantec investigated, outside experts found that McAfee had even more of our code in their products. It goes on to suggest that From the wording of McAfee’s press release, it appears that McAfee employees may have engaged in illegal destruction of evidence relevant to the ongoing dispute. Yesterday McAfee said it will seek a complete copy of Symantec’s source code. Symatec says it finds it incredible that McAfee, after admitting three instances of illegally taking Symatec’s property, would think that it should now be given a complete copy of the code. ‘We look forward to the jury trial.