Oasis Group Ltd, the Maidenhead, Berkshire-based business re-engineering consultancy owned by Sybase Inc has lured Tony Ecock from Bain & Co and Gary Moe from Gemini Consulting as president and executive vice-president respectively, for its expanding Oasis US operation in Burlington, Massachusetts. Oasis already has contracts with AT&T Co and others, it says. Founded in 1986, Oasis, which stands for Organisation and System Innovations, was bought by Sybase in January 1994 and is headed by Wilf Eaton. Eaton and former ICL Plc chief Robb Wilmot cofounded Oasis. Wilmot now has a non-executive role. Oasis claims to be one of the largest re-engineering outfits in Europe, with offices in Paris and Dusseldorf. It has 130 employees, 16 in the US.