Sybase Inc has announced Enterprise SQL Server Manager, a graphical database administration product designed for single screen control of SQL Servers across distributed environments. The software was developed using technology taken under licence from Tivoli Systems Inc’s Tivoli Management Environment systems management architecture. Tivoli Management Environment is used as the Enterprise SQL Server Manager backplane and Sybase has extended it to provide SQL Server specific object components, defined database specific events, introduced a message filtering system and a database management application programming interface. According to the company, the product enables administrators to configure SQL Servers, monitor server status and performance, manage server space and security, and schedule and perform back up and recovery operations. It manages database objects such as tables, views, indexes, stored procedures and triggers, Sybase says. Enterprise SQL Server Manager is currently in alpha test and is slated for beta next quarter. Shipments will start in the first quarter of 1995 for HP-UX, AIX, Solaris and Windows NT. The firm also announced new versions of SQL Server Manager – formerly know as SA Companion and SQL Server Monitor – originally dubbed Sybase SQL Monitor. SQL Server Manager now comes with a Windows front end, responsive database icons, and drag and drop operation functions. SQL Server Monitor has object level data access and the ability to record and playback historical information. It has an application programming interface for third party access. SQL Server Manager ships next quarter; the Monitor, first quarter of 1995.