Sybase Inc says that it now supports X/Open Co Ltd’s XA specification for transaction processing systems via a Sybase XA Library. It says the library, when coupled with transaction processing monitors, enables developers to create transaction processing applications using SQL Server. XA Libraries for Encina and Top End users are available this month, CICS support arrived last month, and Tuxedo support will follow in the fourth quarter. Sybase has also added native Novell Inc IPX/SPX support for SQL Server and will make IPX/SPX versions of the database available for AT&T Unix MP-RAS, OpenVMS, Digital Equipment Corp OSF/1, HP-UX, AIX, Santa Cruz Unix, Dynix/ptx and Solaris, enabling users to tie their local networks into the Sybase environments. Until now, IPX/SPX local net protocol users have had to put TCP/IP up on their clients to access Unix-based SQL Servers. Native IPX/SPX SQL Server support is up under HP-UX now, on most of the rest by year-end, and under OSF/1 by the beginning of next year.