Transaction-processing database specialist Sybase Inc has launched two new front-end application development systems for its SQL client-server relational database: Fastbuild for character-based terminals and APT-Workbench for bit-mapped workstations and window-based systems. Fastbuild, based on technology bought in from Dutch software house Inside Automation BV is aimed at computer literate end-users and runs in MS-DOS, Unix and VMS environments: Sybase claims the software achieves a personal computer-quality interface on ASCII terminals, including zoom and pop-up windows, but it is working on a bit-mapped graphics version due next March. Fastbuild supports access to other file systems and databases – Oracle, Informix and so forth – while retaining high availability and data integrity. It includes built-in text-processing, forms handler, menu designer, data dictionary and enquiry language. APT-Workbench is a more advanced professional programming tool for designing, prototyping and running applications interfacing to the Sybase SQL server, and features an object oriented applications generation language for Sun Microsystems and DEC hardware. The company has also licensed the Accell development environment from Unify Corp and is currently completing work on a version of its SQL Server optimised for OS/2 networks, working in conjunction with Microsoft Corp and Ashton Tate Corp (CI No 845).